Find your way

Thorsvej 6, 4100 Ringsted

+45 57 67 40 57

Office: Mon - Thurs at 07:30 – 15:30, fri at 07:30 – 12:00 Workshop: mon - thurs at 07:00 – 15:30, fri at 07:00 – 12:00

We care for the outside world

Social responsibility

We take our social responsibility seriously and take pride in helping people move on. We have, among other things, had an employee in job training, which has resulted in permanent employment in the company.

Derudover støtter vi sporten med sponsorat af Slangerup Speedway og Brøndby IF.

Responsibility for the environment

We think about the environment. Therefore, our production takes place with 85% sustainable electricity.
All our light sources are energy-saving LED tubes and we lower the temperature at night with a heat pump.
We use electric trucks and
sorts our waste so that most of it can be recycled. 
